
The Narwhal earn landing page will be a user dashboard where they can view various activities to earn rewards narwhal. At release, trade2earn will be the only available option, where users can earn a rebate in NAR based on their trading volume.

How it works:

  1. There will be a total of 11,428.5 NAR tokens allocated as trading emissions per day, totalling 80,000 per week (0.1%)

  2. A snapshot all trading volume of all traders will be taken on each day at 00:00 UTC

  3. Each user will be entitled to a percentage of the daily NAR price pool, based on their percentage of total volume traded on the day.

  4. E.g. bob traded 10,000 on May 11. The total trading volume of the day was 150,000. I.e. his daily volume was 6.67% of total trading volume on the day, so he would be entitled to 6.67% of the NAR price pool = ~737 NAR tokens

  5. NAR Tokens are fully liquid with no vesting

In addition, there will be a mysterious prize in the form of a gift box for traders who trade a minimum of X volume in a day. Before TGE, traders will not be able to claim rewards but instead will receive them in a retro-airdrop format. The landing page will continue to calculate rewards accrued based on trading volume.

Last updated